In the distant future, Humanity is still alone among the stars. War ravages the superpowers of the planet in a seemingly never-ending conflict. Technological advancements to aid both sides of the war has pushed humans into the stars, in an effort for resources and colonization. The United Federation of Nations chose four planets for colonization, three were successful. During colonization, they discovered an ancient technology: the hyper-drive. Humanity had instant and unlimited access to its colonies, but the war continued to ravage. With the discovery of a new power generation, technology comes to a new Faster-Than-Light traveling method, and the WarpStar is the first ship equipped with the new star drive. No longer bound by the limitations of the Hyperdrive, the WarpStar embarks on a journey of exploration and discovery. Will they continue to be the only life out there, or will they discover a dark past?
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