This time, it's one of their own!
After working underground to reunite apprehended teens with their parents for as long as they have, Gabriel and Renata have seen it all. But this time, it's personal. When the young children of one of the families who have helped with the movement are seized, they prepare to do whatever it takes to have them returned before more damage can be done.
While Carmel and her family have been staunch supporters of the underground movement, they had never revealed their own experiences with DCFS. Now their history and their alliance with Gabriel and Renata have come back to haunt them.
A family torn apart.
Two innocent children being used to even the score.
It's time to bring them home.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Medical Kidnap Files is one of the most underrated series' I've ever read, and, speaking as a disabled person, each book has absolutely excellent disability rep.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ As usual, a very well written and interesting story, easy to read and with excellent characters. The subject is an important one, and even as we mostly follow one side, it shows the difficult decisions that sometimes have to be made, and how they sometimes can go very wrong.
Looking for something new in young adult literature? A fast-paced adventure with diverse characters that will keep you turning the pages.
Join Gabriel and Renata on their mission today!
This edition has been formatted with Verdana 18 pt, 1.5 line spacing, and double-spaced paragraphs in accordance with the recommendations of the American Council for the Blind.
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