European Treaties Bearing on the History of the United States and Its Dependencies. Originally published: Washington, D.C.: Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1917-1937. 4 volumes. vi, 388; vi, 386; vi, 270; viii, 222 pp. Reprinted 2004, 2012 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. ISBN-13: 9781584774228; ISBN-10: 1584774223. Hardcover. New.
Volume I: to 1648,
Volume II: 1650-1697,
Volume III: 1698-1715, Volume IV (edited posthumously by Oscar Charles Paullin): 1716-1815.
This valuable compilation contains treaties and papal bulls dealing with colonial matters. Although they are fundamental documents for the study of early American history, they are not widely available in print form. Containing 203 treaties with historical introductions and extensive bibliographical notes, this book does much to remedy this situation. With the exception of those written in French, the treaties are printed with parallel translations. Each volume contains a thorough index.