In the sequel to Luv Alwayz, Shonell Bacon and JDaniels continue to explore the effects past lives and lies have on the potential for everlasting love. Roxy Winters, the notorious younger sister of
Luv Alwayz's Deandra, returns in
Draw Me with Your Love, this time with a romantic adventure of her own. Fresh out of college and ready to pursue her passion for art, Roxy takes a job at a trendy Manhattan gallery. Persuaded by her boss and confidante to attend an arts event on a cruise ship, Roxy develops more than just professional appreciation when she encounters the up-and-coming artist Antoine Billups.
But as the ship arrives at the dock, Roxy and Antoine's budding romance is cut short--not only by their return to land, but also Roxy's hesitation to open her heart. Experiences, lovers, and friends come into play as the two face the challenge of overcoming their past mistakes and present fears in their quest for love.
With their unique collaborative writing style, Shonell Bacon and JDaniels present both male and female sides of relationships, lending unparalleled insight and honesty to this exciting series.