"There was no pain, just numbness." Bullets popped and whizzed around him, but none of it registered. Emmett Dalton clambered up on his horse. He saw Dick Broadwell mounted on his horse. Behind him-Bob, Grat, and Bill Power lay on the ground-for all he knew, they were dead.
The clatter of guns seemed to grow louder.
Emmett began to ride away. He looked back, and, "saw Bob leaning up against a rock. All thought of money-of my own life or escape vanished. I only knew that I had to reach Bob."
For a second time, Emmett Dalton rode back into the inferno to save one of his own. He rode through the crash of bullets, the splinters of wood flying from the store buildings. He rode up to Bob and leaned over in his saddle to pull him up.
He heard a loud explosion, and a great sleepiness came over him.
Emmett would not know it until much later, but Carey Seaman had unloaded two barrels of buckshot into his back. Altogether he took two bullets, and twenty-one rounds of buckshot.
"The Dalton Gang was no more."