Continue the adventures at Darnell Farm...
Kent desperately tries to correct mistakes of his past. Discovering life altering secrets his deceased mother kept hidden, Kent embarks on the most important quest of his life. Mysteries begin to unfold and lives start to change in ways never imagined.
Finally finding a reason for living, Kent's hopes are soon dashed when his health takes a serious downward turn. Is this the price he must pay for the wicked life he has led?
Still too stubborn to call on the God that his brother always speaks of, he keeps his emotional walls intact. What will it take to prove that he needs to rely on someone much bigger than himself? All his wealth can't help him now.
Sylvia's rebellion leaves her vulnerable to temptations that spiral out of control. Will she ever overcome the shame and mistrust she has caused?
Mrs. Farley's vengeance and destruction has the community bonding together to survive yet another catastrophe. Her plan doesn't work the way she had hoped, and things become deadly.
Community and family bonds strengthen as they work together to survive tragic death and devastation.
Life changing, threatening situations tear through the community before they will humble themselves to God. Watch as God takes evil intended to hurt them and uses it for good, bringing them to their
Dawn Of Humility