Many people believe that AIDS has moved from being the "gay men's disease" it was thought to be during the 1980s and early 1990s to being a disease that affects mainly people in the developing world. While the numbers of deaths in the developing world do indeed dwarf those in the industrialized world, two important facts still remain: There is no cure for AIDS, and unprotected sex can kill.
The public health messages of the 1990s have been forgotten as a new generation of young men and women throughout North America and Europe are returning to sex without condoms, resulting in an increase in HIV numbers after several years of decline. Even senior citizens are contracting the disease they thought was the province of other age groups and other cultures.
Dr. Monica Sweeney is on the front line of the fight against AIDS, both as a member of the President's Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS and as a doctor working in the heart of the inner city at the Bedford-Stuyvesant Family Health Center in Brooklyn, New York. Every day, she sees the toll that HIV and AIDS take on families and neighborhoods.
Direct and uncompromising,
Condom Sense focuses on the reality of human lives and choices. Boldly and honestly, it tells it how it is--what condoms are, who makes them, where to get them, and how to use them. A passionate, practical, detailed guide to living a healthy, safe sexual life in the twenty-first century,
Condom Sense is common sense for every sexually active person on earth at risk of acquiring this deadly infection.