"Compound" is a dystopian fiction novel that follows the story of Ashlyn Fletcher as she navigates her way through difficult oppressions in the State of Nova. Whether it be the State Leaders that rule Nova, or her mother who rules the family, she is left to cower under both tyrannies without hope of ever escaping.
The history of Nova is one of death and destruction. Six States emerged from the ruin of the Great War. Seven State Leaders elected to govern each state with an authoritarian hand. What were once average humans are now Compounds with Affinities for the Earth's elements. And though new and improved, they are forever marred by the destruction from which they came. A destruction that begins and ends with the Fletchers.
The legacy of the Fletchers is one of violence and hatred. Ideals that have trickled down the line, all the way to the one who will change it all: Ashlyn Fletcher.
Abandoned by her father eight years ago, Ashlyn has no one else to turn to except her brother, Lucas. Left to cower under her mother's malignant aims, her brother, Lucas, and her sister, Ramona, are at the mercy of Evelyn Fletcher's tyrannical ways, bound by the fear of losing those they care about.
Until there is no one left.
Reeling from the force of a sudden loss, Ashlyn uses her despair to finally make a stand. After escaping from her mother, she meets fierce and brave Zachary Desantis. Together, they fight back against the oppressive State Leaders and her equally oppressive mother. United under the goal of freeing the Novan people, they risk everything to protect them...and each other.
What Ashlyn doesn't know is that a deeper threat lurks in the shadows. Dark and festering, it is a menace to everything Ashlyn hopes to build. As time runs out and the lives of her loved ones are threatened, Ashlyn must sacrifice everything to save them.
But one question remains:
Will it be enough?