My eyes are blurred, my brain is mush. My hands begin to tremble. I fell for those deceitful words: 'Easy to assemble.'" -
Christmas Unwrapped: Lighthearted Humor to Get You Through the Holidays If the holidays conjure up images of maxed-out credit card bills, mile-long mall lines, or that lamp from Aunt Jane that graces your abode only when she comes to visit, this colorful keepsake provides rhyming redemption.
More About Christmas Unwrapped
Rhyme master Scott Emmons approaches Christmas with a joke and a grin by offering 47 original poems, including:
Dear Santa, Toys get broken.
Candy's cheap.
Pets take effort.
Fruit won't keep.
Candles smell.
Clothes might clash.
Games are boring.
Please send cash.
Love, Mindy
Grandma's Gift Which present came from Grandma?
It isn't hard to see.
The gift wrap is the same she's used since 1943.
Book attributes include a stocking-friendly trim size and ribbon marker, along with four-color art and photography throughout.