A 1960s Indian village populated by endearing characters springs to life in Farhana's Zia's novel about privilege, perspective, and opportunity. Impulsive and passionate, Basanta may not always understand the consequences of her actions, but that doesn't stop her from involving herself in the lives of friends and neighbors in her village--even if things don't necessarily go the way she intends. Basanta longs for the beautiful ring worn by her young mistress, but when it is finally hers, she realizes that it's not the wonderful possession she expected.
Increasingly aware of the struggles of her less privileged friends, Lali and Bala, she finds a way to improve their lives and entertain their community-- and the beautiful ring takes on new meaning. Over time, Basanta gains maturity, self-awareness, and compassion--all while hosting doll weddings, attending kite fights, and planning an exciting performance of Bala the Wonder Dog.
Farhana Zia's engaging novel--filled with a cast of distinct, endearing characters and humorous, thought-provoking events--provides an insightful look at relative privilege and opportunity.