From the world of Carthago comes the story of Kane, a merman from a storied subterranean society as he escapes his capture by a billionaire researcher who specializes in the study of mythological creatures...including the fabled Megalodon. China, 1977. Kane, a young man-triton hybrid, escapes from his captivity in a secret research facility owned by a corrupt billionaire intent on proving the existence not only the tritons but the megalodons. As Kane flees his captor's henchmen and trackers, he finds himself in a breathless chase with a megalodon of legend! But is the megalodon really his enemy?
Humanity's continued feverish quest for natural resources threatens to unleash ancient monsters of the deep and beyond in the highly anticipated installment of the critically-acclaimed series
Carthago, a Deep Blue Sea meets
Succession tale of drama, mystery, and the monsters that lurk in the deepest ocean... and the human heart.
Praise for Carthago: "If you like multi-layered mystery stories that are dripping with the fear of the unknown-think
Hellboy, Lovecraft, King-this is your jam." - AIPT Comics
" is the slow burn comics like
Carthago that stick with readers long after recycled, monthly superhero antics have dissipated away." - ICv2
"This comic is the Halloween issue of National Geographic." - Doomrocket