Discover the harmony between the experimental sculptures of Camille Claudel and Bernhard Hoetger. Sculptures by two impressive artists, both inspired by Rodin, emerge from the shadow cast by their great role model. This book reveals how the works of Camille Claudel (1864-1943) and Bernhard Hoetger (1874-1949) paved the way for sculpture to enter the modern age. The artistic freedom of the avant-garde, including the emerging Art Nouveau, can be seen in their forms and ideals.
Following their joint exhibition in 1905 in the Galerie Eugène Blot in Paris, this volume unites the works of the two artists again. The lavishly illustrated publication presents the encounter between the two sculptors in the French art scene at the dawn of the modern age. Their experimentation with new materials and techniques enabled them to break out of the established patterns of artistic creativity.