This Story begins when Duane Johnson, a white graduate student from Montana receives a fellowship in 1967 to attend an all-black college in Atlanta, Georgia during the height of the Civil Rights Movement. His journey details the culture shock he experiences meeting more black people than he's ever seen in his life. Living in an all-black dorm is the backdrop for his initiation into an all-black university. Duane's ignorance slowly turns to a gradual understanding as he learns to cope with reverse discrimination from fellow students and professors offering an eye-opening and inspiring tale. The author wrestles with the injustice and inhumanity he sees as he personally confronts the issues of the time.
DUANE would write nearly 50 love letters from September 1967 to July 1968 to LORETTA, his girlfriend at the time. They would marry in August 1968 and the letters have been preserved for over 50 years, bringing a love story and experienced emotions during this historic and tumultuous time.