The MMPI-2-RF represents a paradigm shift in psychology. What was once a black-and-white approach to diagnosis--you either had a disorder or you didn't -- has given way today to a more flexible and more realistic system that recognizes a continuum of functioning. This modern way of thinking is reflected in David McCord's approach to interpreting the MMPI-2-RF, which he presents in this handy introductory guide.
McCord offers a thorough overview of the MMPI-2-RF and each of its 51 scales, along with practical considerations for administration and scoring. Building on this foundational material, he then lays out a step-by-step framework for interpreting test results using a two-pass approach. In the first pass, the examiner quickly scans the results to get a broad sense of the client's personality and psychopathology. The second pass entails a more methodical analysis that focuses on specific domains, such as somatic/cognitive dysfunction and interpersonal functioning. A rich case example brings this process to life by showing readers how to evaluate an actual score report and communicate their interpretations in narrative format.