An All-Encompassing Introductory Guide to Fortnite! Get started playing the most popular game out there!
An Unofficial Encyclopedia of Strategy for Fortniters: Battle Royale for Noobs will introduce you to all aspects of
Fortnite Battle Royale using a comprehensive "A to Z" format that's extremely easy-to-understand and that includes hundreds of full-color screenshots. Every core element of the game will be explained in detail, while also providing you with tips and strategies that'll help you achieve success and stay alive longer during matches.
Whether you're playing
Fortnite Battle Royale on a PC, Mac, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Apple iPhone, Apple iPad, or Android-based mobile device, this double-length, full-color, unofficial strategy guide will provide you or "noobs" you know with all of the information you need to get started playing this incredibly popular game.
Learn game-play modes and how they differ, plus discover how to customize and control your soldier throughout each match. Explore the island, combat, building, and survival techniques, and discover the many different types of terrain and challenges you'll experience in the game.
With this guide, you'll:
- Learn the basics of the most compelling video game out there
- Arm yourself with the best strategies and knowledge of weapons, resources, and loot items
- Know how to achieve success, stay alive during matches, and climb the ranks