Empress Elisabeth of Austria (known by all as "Sisi"), was considered to be the most beautiful woman of her time. Looks she had in abundance and they gained her the heart of an Emperor before her sixteenth birthday.
Emperor Franz Josef was tall and handsome, and for him it was love at first sight. She loved him as well and said yes.
Now young, newly-wed, and an Empress, the world was at her feet. All the people truly wanted was simply to gaze upon her.
How could this ever go wrong ...? But it did ... horribly wrong.
Sisi was a woman out of her time and place. She wanted the one thing the man she loved could never give her - the right to her freedom.
This is her moving, and at times heartbreaking, story. Told by someone who knew all her secrets, it's an epic tale of a fairytale princess who dreamed only of those things the rest of us take for granted - the freedom to speak, and live, and love as we wish.
Sisi, Empress of Austria.