"You are the key to your own existence. Wait by the door of your own self. It is not difficult to open. It is unexpectedly easy, hence the difficulty!" Book Six, 'The Truth', pulls many threads of conversation together, and sheds more light on some of those big eternal questions: what it really is to be human, and why we are here. To be human is to love. To love is the right to feel everything. In feeling everything, we can become the very best of ourselves. We have been given the gift of adventure, and the chance to explore every aspect of love from pole to pole. By the pathway offered in the six books, we have been readied to step into being human in all of its splendour and glory, and add our weight to that critical mass that changes our world for the better. If only we will dare! Thanks to Mai, we are now ready to dare!
Every day really is a new beginning. And, however similar or different we may be, we are ready to meet in love.