Being nicknamed "The Bay State" can be a little misleading as Massachusetts, while geographically limited in size, is full of diverse ecosystems that extend far beyond our sandy shorelines. With that said, the beaches that line our eastern seaboard are well worthy of the attention. However, beyond the sand dunes of Cape Cod, there are countless quaint towns such as Lexington or tranquil farmlands of Berkshire County in the west. Lastly, the bustling metropolis of Boston, gives you a little bit of everything wrapped up in a nice tidy package.
This book will help you learn which habitats you should visit to find the species you are most interested in, such as warblers, thrushes, sparrows, and raptors. There are also helpful hints for making some of the more challenging bird identifications. By the time you finish this book, you will know .... So grab YOUR copy today. You'll be glad you did.